Of course it’s not that have overtaken the Malaysian
Indians already, but it’s not far. How Bangladeshis taking over our numbers
raise a red flag? They aren’t making much significance by the way to the
development of the country. Of course they aren’t making much significance YET.
As of now, there are already 2.1 million registered and
an estimated of 4 million unregistered foreign workers in Malaysia.
Bangladeshis take up at least 600,000, roughly one-sixth of all foreign
workers. Malaysian Indians are already no match in numbers compared to illegal
Of course, these are just in numbers only, as the foreign
workers are not citizens in this country.
However, these numbers show us how much foreign labour is
coming in, in such a pace that they are slowly outnumbering Malaysians. Will
Malaysia change as more and more workers start flowing in? What about the
growing unemployment rates in Malaysia, and the worsening economy?
On a personal note, just because our numbers are low, we
can’t be having 5 to 10 kids in a family. Numbers are upon the jurisdiction of
affordance to run a family. We could only be 10 Indians in this whole Malaysia
but the country must be dependent on this 10 and would collapse if this 10
defunct. What’s sad is that this is not the situation with Malaysian Indians.
Unity on another hand is just a Facebook talk and have
not been able to materialize on ground. Many would disagree with me but they
are just being ignorant. At times I would laugh to myself. When we ourselves
can’t handle our own community, and we complain that the Government is not
doing the right thing. It’s just not fair not to blame others for our own
Maybe we can build a team to monitor the foreign workers
traffic? But who is going to do it?
We don’t even care
on the Malaysian Indian’s traffic in prison.
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